United States (U.S.)/Canada Joint Certification Program (JCP) certification establishes the eligibility of a U.S. or Canadian contractor to receive technical data governed, in the U.S., by Department of Defense (DOD) Directive 5230.25 and, in Canada, by the Technical Data Control Regulations (TDCR). Certification is required for United States (U.S.) or Canadian contractors who wish to obtain access to unclassified technical data disclosing militarily critical technology with military or space application that is under the control of, or in the possession of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) or the Canadian Department of National Defense (DND). In order to obtain a certification, contractors must submit a DD2345 Form to the United States (U.S.)/Canada Joint Certification Office, along with supporting company documentation. Please visit the DLA website for more information regarding the DD2345 process, including the form itself as well as instructions and FAQs. According to the JCP’s website, the processing time for DD2345 Form applications fluctuates depending on the delivery method to their office and the volume of applications received. If there are problems with the application, e.g. incomplete or incorrect information, delays will occur. The website includes tips for avoiding these mistakes. Recent experience indicates a range of a few days to a few weeks.

A copy of your DD2345 Certification (a prerequisite for membership). Those without a current DD2345 can find the form and instructions at the link listed below. For a brief overview of this form, please consider watching the video below.

DD2345 Instructions

DD2345 Form

Video: DD2345 Overview